Time: the one thing there never seems to be enough of, even though it’s one thing that never changes. We all have the same number of minutes and hours in a day, and we all “make” time for what’s most important to us.
Perhaps it’s no surprise that technology devices have become one of the largest consumers of our precious time. According to a 2016 article on CNN.com, Americans devote more than 10 hours per day to a screen of some sort, including computers, smartphones, and TV.1 Ten hours! That’s nearly half the day.
Evidently, people are relying more and more on screens to answer their questions and meet their everyday needs. This means that your business’s web content needs to stand out if you are to compete with the plethora of information and services out there.
Given only 15 minutes to consume content, 66% of people reported that they’d rather peruse content that is beautifully designed versus something that is simple and plain.2 But be careful: Web content needs to be attractive, but it also has to be practical. If your content takes too long to load, 39% of people will disengage completely!
A professional designer can help you balance beautiful and functional to ensure your web content catches and retains your viewers’ attention! Whether it’s sprucing up your current site or starting from scratch, we can help you every step of the way.
• http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/30/health/americans-screen-time-nielsen/index.html
• http://wwwimages.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/max/2015/pdfs/state-of-content-oct.pdf